Shattered Carcasses and Architecture of the Forsaken, 2009

1 – Installation
18 Light boxes with electric cables
120x90cm each
Overall size variable depending on space
Architecture of the Forsaken was commissioned by Iniva, Rivington Place, London

Installation view: SAF Art Spaces, Sharjah, exhibition Air Affairs and Maritime Nonsense, 2018

Shattered Carcasses and Architecture of the Forsaken
17 Light boxes installation
120x85cm each
Architecture of the Forsaken was commissioned by Iniva, Rivington Place, London
Installation view: Rivington Place
Shattered Carcasses and Architecture of the Forsaken
17 Light Boxes installation with electric cables
100x80cm each
Architecture of the Forsaken was commissioned by Iniva, Rivington Place, London
Installation view: Rivington Place
detail 2
detail 3